Welcome, Iā€™m Sarah Burchell

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After helping women and their families for over 12 years as a nurse and midwife and being a mother myself to 3 children, I understand that adjusting to life with a new baby and the journey of parenting can have lots of incredible times and also some challenging ones. 

As a health professional I am passionate about supporting families to feel connected, confident and empowered in their roles as parents. There is a lot of overwhelming information available and it can be confusing to any parent to know where to turn. 

This has been my motivation and inspiration to provide parenting support, not only to new parents but parents at any stage of their journey. Often feeding and sleep are common concerns but my support is not limited to this. 

I chose the name Gentle Beginnings because parents and children need to feel safe, nurtured and supported. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to parenting and therefore I am committed to providing individualised, evidence based information and support in a kind and respectful manner, to help families meet their own goals and needs. 

- Sarah




  • Lactation Consultant - IBCLC (2021) 

  • Registered Midwife (2009) 

  • Registered Nurse (2006) 

  • Circle of Security Parent Facilitator (2019) 

  • Safe Sleep Space training (2021)

Sarah holds professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance 



  • ANMF 


  • ABA